List of accepted proposals for Semester 2021A

Normal (Classical)

IDPI NameProposal Title
21A-N-CN01浦川聖太郎Global mapping of the degree of space weathering on (99942) Apophis
21A-N-CN02行方宏介太陽型星のスーパーフレアの彩層放射の検出 II: 質量噴出現象の統計的性質の解明
21A-N-CN03行方宏介M型星YZ CMiのフレアの連続測光・分光観測〜質量噴出は起きているのか?〜
21A-N-CN07植田稔也3-Dimensional Anatomy of the Quintessential Planetary Nebula, the Ring Nebula (M57, NGC6720)
21A-N-CN09秋山正幸A new population of extreme starburst galaxies at intermediate redshifts
21A-N-CN10前原裕之Time-resolved spectroscopy of stellar superflares III: Active young K-type dwarf LQ Hya
21A-N-CN12磯部優樹KOOLS Integral-Field Spectroscopy for Extremely Metal-poor Galaxies at z ~ 0.03 Identified by the Deep HSC Imaging. III

Normal (ToO, ToO+Classical)

IDPI NameProposal Title
21A-N-CT01志達めぐみ全天 X 線監視装置 MAXI が検出した X 線連星のアウトバーストの分光モニタ
21A-N-CT02前田啓一Follow-up Observations of Supernovae and Explosive Transients
21A-N-CT03磯貝桂介連続分光観測による WZ Sge 型矮新星の円盤輝度分布の再構成
21A-N-CT05山中雅之IceCube ニュートリノ対応候補天体のフォローアップ分光観測
21A-N-CT07川室太希Optical spectroscopy insights into the X-ray emission from tidal disruption events
21A-N-CT08諸隈智貴Spectroscopic Follow-up for Rapid Transients Discovered by Tomo-e Gozen High-Cadence Transient Survey